What to expect during the hack days ?

Rapid progress on proposed projects, bursts of ideas from interactions between participants, and speed-learning via “breakout” tutorial sessions on specific topics spontaneously put together by participants.

Here is the timeline for a standard hack day:

For more details about food and coffee, please have a look at the Logistics page, and for a detailed schedule for each day, please check the Schedule page.

How to edit this page ?

We strongly encourage participants to make use of this page to register themselves and their hack ideas, this will help ensure a successful hackathon. To edit this page, click the button below, edit the markdown file on the GitHub website, and commit your changes in a new Pull Request.

Edit this page on GitHub

Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask on Gitter or directly one of the organizers.

Proposed projects

In order to track the proposed projects, we are using GitHub issues in the meeting repository and we maintain a summary table below for convenience.

We encourage participants to:

To add a new project, start by clicking the button below and filling out the hack template:

Propose a new hack

Breakout tutorial sessions

At various times during the hackdays, impromptu (or at most, minimally planned for) “breakout” sessions will be announced. Breakouts will typically be ~30-45 mins in length, open to (and advertised to) the whole group but only attended by some fraction of the group. The goal of breakout sessions is to bring groups of people up to speed quickly on various specialized topics through active participation and discussion. Generally these sessions are not research talks, but rather tutorials given by one of the members of the group who has expertise that others can benefit from: a breakout is a very efficient way to learn from your peers.

Feel free to propose, or ask for sessions on particular topics in the table below.

Breakout Topic Leader(s) Suggested by Interested in attending When and Where


Use the following table to register your interests as well as your skills and any resources you might have that may be of interests to other participants (e.g. a dataset, a simulator, a density estimator code).

Name Interests Skills/Resources GitHub/Gitter Handle
Francois Foundation models for images HSC experience @EiffL
Micah Large scale representation learning Radio imaging, hpc data pipelines @mb010
Mike (S) “Large Observation Models” Gen models, HPC+DL @smith42
Tom Multimodal foundation models ML models and tools applied to galaxy images/spectra @tom-hehir
Brian LLMs SDSS, galaxy spectra, UI/UX, NLP @havok2063
Ben Simulation Based Inference Time Domain Photometric/Spectroscopic Data @benboyd97
Maya LLMs, foundation models for stars Spectroscopic Data, ML tools @maja-jablonska
Erin Astrostatistics Time Domain Photometric/Spectroscopic Data @erinhay